PWL Plans for the Future

Paw-Ways Loved located in Dayton, Tennessee on the farm (Greyt Acres) of Jim and Pennie Hendrick, has 17 acres with a plethora of animals besides dogs!
Currently, many of our seniors live in our home and a building designated as the “Growling Blanket Inn.” We have 2 acres fenced off for the dogs and plan on expanding into another pasture to provide even more running room.  Check out our plans for expansion.
We have started additional fencing to create a spacious fun area for the seniors to enjoy.  The “Growling Blanket Inn” (highlighted in yellow) currently houses seven seniors.
Dog Park 1 – is under construction, with double gate access to The Growling Blanket Inn, to give a larger open area for our loving seniors to run and play. Plans are for 5-foot fencing, an automatic water system, and plenty of running room with the addition of an already purchased building to store food and supplies. Plans are in the works for Dog Park 2 and Dog Park 3 as the need arises.


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